Spoopy Partnerships
by Jeanmarie Loria

You might have noticed our spooky picture earlier this week; we presented how scary a backlog can be <Burndown Service>. However, we must not confuse spooky with “spoopy” (internet slang describing cute, comical, or silly versions of typically spooky subject matter such as ghosts and skeletons). Spoopy is a very important Advize concept going back a decade.

The dance originated 18 years ago. Every year when fall begins to hit—whether that means the weather is getting colder or the PSL is back—Advize sends around the dance and spoopy memes to get ourselves excited. We invite our clients to look at their partners and see what they need.

Embracing the Shift: Summer to Fall & Escaping Spoopy Business Partnerships

As the golden days of summer give way to the crisp embrace of fall, we find ourselves amidst a season of change. Our routines are subtly shifting in response to the changing environment. Just as nature prepares for a new chapter, so too must we adapt in our professional lives, especially when it comes to identifying and escaping those “spoopy” business partnerships.

Summer: A Time of Growth and Exploration

Summer, in many ways, mirrors the excitement and growth phase of a business. The long sunny days are filled with energy, opportunity, and a sense of boundless possibility. Businesses are often in full swing, capitalizing on the heightened activity that summer brings. New partnerships are forged with enthusiasm, and the future looks as bright as the summer sun. Advize has been there, and I know you have as well. Years ago, we were quite open to experimentation, exploring new ventures, and embracing collaboration. The warmth of summer and younger/naive business create an atmosphere of trust and optimism, which encourages taking bold steps.

Autumn Transition: Cooling Down and Reassessing

As fall approaches, however, the atmosphere begins to change. The days get shorter, and we naturally start to look inward, preparing for the colder months ahead. In business, this is often a time of reflection and reassessment. What worked well during the bustling days of summer might not be sustainable in the long run, and it’s essential to evaluate partnerships that seemed promising during the high-energy phase. This transition mirrors a shift in business strategy. Fall is about harvesting the fruits of summer’s labor while also pruning what no longer serves your goals. It’s a time to critically assess the partnerships that were formed in the heat of the moment and determine whether they are truly beneficial or if they have the potential to become “spoopy”—that is, eerie, unsettling, or downright scary.

Spoopy Partnerships: Recognizing the Red Flags

Just like Halloween’s haunted houses and spooky stories, “spoopy” business partnerships can sneak up on you, often disguised as opportunities. These are the partnerships that seemed great at first but soon reveal themselves to be problematic. Perhaps there’s a lack of transparency, mismatched goals, or a partner that’s more interested in taking than giving. Whatever the case, these partnerships can drain resources, time, and energy if not addressed promptly.

Recognizing the red flags of a spoopy partnership is crucial:

  • Misaligned Values: If a partner’s values don’t align with your company’s mission, it can lead to conflicts and ethical dilemmas down the road.
  • One-Sided Commitments: If one party consistently benefits more than the other, it’s a sign that the partnership is unbalanced and potentially exploitative.
  • Lack of Communication: Good communication is the backbone of any successful partnership. If your partner is evasive or unresponsive, it could be a warning sign of deeper issues.
  • Broken Promises: A partner who fails to deliver on commitments repeatedly can erode trust, making the partnership more trouble than it’s worth.

Escaping the Spoopy: How We Safeguard Advize

We try, we fail. We try again and we succeed. So, how have we escaped spoopy partnerships to ensure our business remains healthy and thriving while transitioning through different seasons?

  • Regular Reviews: We review our partnerships to ensure they still align with our goals and provide mutual benefit.
  • Set Clear Boundaries: From the beginning, we set clear boundaries and are never afraid to revisit and adjust these as needed. If a partner isn’t meeting these expectations, it’s time to reassess the relationship.
  • Have an Exit Strategy: We have an exit strategy to help minimize disruption to our business and maintain professional relationships.

Fall: Embracing Change and Moving Forward

Just as fall is a time of letting go—of leaves falling from trees and preparing for winter—it’s also a time for businesses to shed what no longer serves them. By carefully evaluating and potentially ending spoopy partnerships, you make room for healthier, more aligned collaborations in the future. The transition from summer to fall is a reminder that change is a natural and necessary part of growth. Embrace it, and don’t be afraid to walk away from partnerships that don’t feel right. After all, just as the seasons cycle, so too do opportunities—and there will always be new, better-suited partnerships on the horizon.

So, as you sip your pumpkin spice latte and watch the leaves turn, take a moment to reflect on your business relationships. Ensure they’re adding value, not fear, to your enterprise. And remember, it’s always better to enjoy a cozy autumn night without any lurking spooky items in your business closet.