Can In-Basket Messaging Prevent Burnout?

We’ve spoken before about physician burnout and how to leverage technology to reduce its impact on providers and patients, and now a study by Health Affairs has been released that supports this push for innovation. The study was designed to find strategies on managing...

Sound Bites From HIMSS18

HIMSS 2018 returned to the bustling city of Las Vegas for the first time since 2016 determined to keep their promise of being “where the world connects for health”.  Drawing in guests from around the world, HIMSS is the premiere conference for those working in the...

Clinical Documentation vs. Patient Care

The keystone of Clinical Documentation Improvement is that quality documentation often results in quality continuum of care, and while this is true, many physicians report that paying too much attention to documentation actually leads to poor patient care. This poses...

EHR Incentive Program Deadlines

The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs were designed to provide eligible professionals (EPs) the opportunity to receive EHR incentive payments as they adopt, implement, upgrade, or practice meaningful use of relevant EHR technologies. The EHR Incentive...

Safeguard Your EHR

If healthcare was a chemical solution, and relevant technologies were solutes – the mixture would quickly become a fragmented clump of, well…various technologies. The healthcare market is over-saturated with technology designed to “fix” the present problems plaguing...