Is My Drug Copay Coupon a Form of Charity — Or a Bribe?

Is My Drug Copay Coupon a Form of Charity — Or a Bribe?

Before my insurer had even preapproved coverage of the new injectable medicine my doctor had prescribed, I got a voicemail from its manufacturer informing me that I might qualify for its copay assistance program. That meant the company would cover at least the lion’s...
Stop Being a Crook in your Old Age

Stop Being a Crook in your Old Age

Earlier this week, I wrote a LinkedIn post where I mentioned that the age of the healthcare fraud defendants involved in schemes where their professional license was needed (medical doctor, etc.) appeared to me to be older (and by older I used middle-aged as my...
Gaslighting: Medically Unnecessary Services

Gaslighting: Medically Unnecessary Services

For those that are movie buffs, you know the term gaslighting.  For those that are not, it comes from a 1944 film where the antagonist creates an environment where he convinces his spouse (protagonist) that she is going insane.  He does this by creating physical cues...