5 Ways to Have a Better Day

As a part of our YogAuditing initiative, Advize Health has brought on board two yoga instructors dedicated to the practice and its principles. Designed to enrich life and improve work performance, YogAuditing is a movement to inspire movement. Follow the journey with...

Tips for Selecting a Subject Matter Expert

Litigation is a lengthy process and one that requires the involvement of a multitude of people throughout its life cycle. More often than not, an Expert Witness or Subject Matter Expert (SME) will need to be called in. This holds true across all areas of legal...

Fraud Spotlight: Kickbacks

Retired OIG Special Agent and Advize’s Director of Litigation & FWA Support will be stepping in each week to examine current fraud trends from the lens of an investigator. Stay tuned for weekly insights, updates, and information on healthcare’s most...

3 Ways to Prevent Physician Burnout

Medscape has been tracking physician burnout and suicide rates through their annual National Physician Burnout, Depression, and Suicide Report. Previous reports of physician burnout suggested that upwards of 50% of clinicians suffer from burnout or excessive...

The Healthcare Affordability Problem

When it comes to paying for healthcare, Sophie’s Choice becomes Everyman’s Choice. Would you rather feed your family or get that questionable mole biopsied? These are the types of questions otherwise well-adjusted families are forced to make on a regular basis. A...

10 Terrifying Healthcare Statistics

The Texas Medical Center surveyed 5,000 people across the United States and found that the #1 reason for poll participation in the upcoming midterm elections will be, you guessed it, healthcare. While this interest in healthcare is certainly encouraging, there’s more...

Hormone Therapy Puts Transgender Women at Risk

A new study on hormone therapy in transgender patients has revealed that transgender women receiving such therapies may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular problems such as strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks. The medical records of an estimated 5,000 Kaiser...