Top Oral Cancer Indicators

Oral Cancer is a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. Oral Cancer can be life threatening if not diagnosed or treated early. According to the American Cancer Society, men face twice the risk of developing cancer as women. Men who are over 50 face the...

Why Are Medical Professionals Panicking?

This is an actual experience from one of our Advize Health employees. This morning I went to the doctor’s office and the entire mood of the office was different. The staff including the nurses, doctors, and PA’s was panicking and many of them appeared to be upset. Why...

Clearing Up Some Eye Exam Confusion

How are eye exam codes defined? CPT includes four codes that specifically describe eye exams: 92002:  Medical exam and evaluation with initiation of diagnostic and treatment program; intermediate, new patient. 92004:  Medical exam and evaluation with initiation of...

What to Watch Out For With Credit Balance

In May 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (OIG) published a proposed rule updating its regulations. The proposed rule will authorize civil monetary penalties for “failure to report and return a known overpayment,” among...

What is the Underlying Cause of Tooth Decay?

Our diet! Tooth decay results from the acid produced when sugar and oral bacteria in the mouth combine and feed off each other. Frequently consuming foods higher in acid content can lead to irreversible dental erosion.  Dental erosion is the breakdown of the tooth’s...