You’re Credentialed – So What?

The following blog post was written by one of Advize Health’s most experienced auditors; Dawn Landry. No matter what we do in life, only experience makes us better. None of us walked, rode a bike, or swam perfectly the first time we tried. We had to invest time...

Healthcare, You Are A Creep

Healthcare, you’re a creep. You’re a weirdo. What the hell are we doing here? Our project doesn’t belong here. Was Radiohead writing about healthcare scope creep? We think yes. The key triangle in project management sets out to depict and demonstrate the constraints...

What is Maternalism in Healthcare?

The United States healthcare system is responsible for several crowning achievements, modern innovations, and…failures. Among those failures is the creation of helicopter patient care. You’ve heard about helicopter parenting, the overbearing, over-anxious,...

Healthcare Can Help Animals, Too

This week we celebrate #LoveYourPetDay, but last week Advize celebrated the pets who don’t have homes to call their own. Earlier this month we hosted our Happy Hour Giving, involved crafting Valentine’s Day cards for under-served seniors, and a food drive for homeless...

The High Cost of Healthcare

The United States spends $3.2 trillion on healthcare each year, more than any other country in the world. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent, was recently featured in a CNN Health video that explains why healthcare in the United States is so costly....