Advize Attends Doctors of Distinction Ceremony

Advize was proud to be among those attending an event to honor a lineup outstanding doctors in the state of New York. While we were honored to be in the presence of so many tremendous talents in the healthcare field, we’re featuring just a few who made a last...

Where To Find Free CEUs

Continuing Education Units (CEU) for healthcare professionals who are credentialed by the AAPC are worth their weight in gold. CEUs are a necessary tool for all medical coders and auditors as they are not only required for certification maintenance, but because they...

Healthcare Can Help Animals, Too

This week we celebrate #LoveYourPetDay, but last week Advize celebrated the pets who don’t have homes to call their own. Earlier this month we hosted our Happy Hour Giving, involved crafting Valentine’s Day cards for under-served seniors, and a food drive for homeless...

Is HHS About to Lose Funding?

Yesterday, President Donald Trump presented his $4.4 trillion FY19 budget proposal – and it looks like the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is going to have to tighten its fiscal belt. Trump’s proposed budget demonstrates a 21% decrease from HHS’...

Keep Your Holiday Season Fraud-Free

As the holiday season nears its zenith it can become extremely difficult to maintain your defenses against the myriad of fraud schemes that plague our capitalistic society. Luckily, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has your back! In her presentation, “2017 Holiday...