You Be The Coder: Halloween Edition

Assess your knowledge of Evaluation and Management while taking our free E/M Calculator for a test drive! Review the below patient notes and plug the appropriate information into our audit tool. History of Present Illness (HPI) A 12 year old female patient is...

You Be The Coder: October

Can you identify what these medical abbreviations stand for? DOE ICP LBW NST PUD PWB AFB LUE NVD PAT Answers:  Dypsnea on Exertion Intra Cranial Pressure Low Birth Weight Non Stress Test Peptic Ulcer Disease Partial Weight Bearing Acid Fast Bacilli Left Upper...

You Be The Coder: September

How many physical examination elements can you extract from this documentation? VS: 124/80, Pulse: 74, Weight: 174 pounds CTA A&Ox3 No CCE Answer below:   Answer: Six Constitutional – Vital Signs Respiratory – Clear to Auscultation (CTA) Psych – Alert and...

You Be The Coder: August

What would the correct CPT code assignment be for this scenario? A male patient, 54 years of age, comes in on May 3, 2014 for a scheduled transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). The patient had an initial TURP back in August 2012 but is still experiencing...

You Be the Coder: July

Test your knowledge The Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN)  A 67 year old Medicare patient comes into the office for a cosmetic skin procedure. The following day the billing office staff checked and found the reason for service was not medically...

You Be the Coder: June

38 year old Female presented to the office for scheduled Essure sterilization. Patient identified, local anesthesia administered and the patient was placed in dorsal recumbent position. The physician uses a speculum to open the cervix and then places the hysteroscope...