Episode 8: Prepay Reviews with Laurie McMillan

Episode 8: Prepay Reviews with Laurie McMillan

OIG Roundtable (Formerly Retro Fraud) Episode 8: Prepay Reviews with Laurie McMillan Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 33:32 Subscribe Share Spotify RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new...

Meet Melissa.

Got a chance to hassle one of Advize’s newest team members, Melissa Dupre. Here’s how the interrogation went… What were you doing before you joined Advize? I was a Registered Nurse at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, and because my husband is active duty...

You’re Credentialed – So What?

The following blog post was written by one of Advize Health’s most experienced auditors; Dawn Landry. No matter what we do in life, only experience makes us better. None of us walked, rode a bike, or swam perfectly the first time we tried. We had to invest time...

Behavioral Health Billing Errors

A 2017 audit fronted by Massachusetts State Senator Suzanne M. Bump revealed over $190 billion dollars in improper or ambiguous payments within MassHealth’s Behavioral Health program. The audit uncovered years of questionable billing practices, lack of administrative...

We Need to Talk About Transgender Healthcare

Earlier this week, Advize Health partnered with Grassi Healthcare Advisors to host a webinar on transgender healthcare. This webinar sought out to educate the healthcare community not only on coding for transgender patients, but on every aspect of care for this...