Fraud Spotlight: When To Use SVRS

Retired OIG Special Agent and Advize’s Director of Litigation & FWA Support will be stepping in each week to examine current fraud trends from the lens of an investigator. Stay tuned for weekly insights, updates, and information on healthcare’s most expensive...

Fraud Spotlight: Specific Deterrence

Retired OIG Special Agent and Advize’s Director of Litigation & FWA Support will be stepping in each week to examine current fraud trends from the lens of an investigator. Stay tuned for weekly insights, updates, and information on healthcare’s most expensive...

Advize Health Featured in Law360 Article

Advize Health’s very own Eric Rubenstein has been featured in a recent Law360 article after participating in a series of discussions on healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse across the NY Metropolitan area this week. Rubenstein spoke candidly about his experience...