A Slice of Pi

A Slice of Pi

It’s no wonder Advize celebrates Pi Day. Pi (pie) is magical. In one form it is a mathematical constant that is used in complex mathematical formulas (what would be the purpose of any Texas Instruments’ calculators without Pi?). As a food, it can be a main course...
Enhance Recovery

Enhance Recovery

As I look out the window, the sky looks grey and ominous that a storm is on the way, but it is still almost 50 degrees outside. All things point to spring, but the sky hints of yet another storm before it too goes out like a lamb and hopefully not out like a lion....
Better than a Business Book: My Grandma

Better than a Business Book: My Grandma

As we get ready for a newsletter focused on the Art of War, let’s revisit a wonderful article by Jeanmarie from a few years ago. In it, she shares the valuable lessons learned from her grandmother, which have shaped not just her own outlook but also the culture...
When is a War not a War?

When is a War not a War?

Much has been written and said about war. Bookstores and libraries (remember those?) are full of tomes about real battles and the heroes that fought in them. They also have shelves of self-help guides that somehow stretch metaphors to make life’s everyday struggles...
Meet Julie

Meet Julie

We are delighted to introduce Julie Smallwood, whose arrival brings a wealth of fresh perspectives to our team. We had the pleasure of interviewing her, and here are some insights into her background and aspirations: 1. What were you doing before you joined Advize?...
The CMs of SIU Directing

The CMs of SIU Directing

My blogs are usually from the perspective of the investigator. Today, I will look at the importance of the SIU Director in the success of the unit. While I stretch the abbreviations a bit, the focus of this will be on the three “CM”s and their impact. Case Management...