Gaslighting: Medically Unnecessary Services

Gaslighting: Medically Unnecessary Services

For those that are movie buffs, you know the term gaslighting.  For those that are not, it comes from a 1944 film where the antagonist creates an environment where he convinces his spouse (protagonist) that she is going insane.  He does this by creating physical cues...
Don’t Ride the Carousel

Don’t Ride the Carousel

In some of my recent posts, I have mentioned the term “carouselling,” as it pertains to the recycling of diabetic testing supplies.  I have had several people inquire about this term and how the scheme works. Carouselling Is the purchasing and reselling of...
Meet Joe

Meet Joe

Got a chance to hassle one of Advize’s newest team members, Mr. Joseph Croce. Here’s how the interrogation went… What were you doing before you joined Advize? I was a health care fraud investigator for UnitedHealthcare. How did you and Advize...