Ritual Mass Killing… No, Just a Yoga Class

Ritual Mass Killing… No, Just a Yoga Class

Police in Lincolnshire, England, received an alarming report of a “ritual mass killing,” but upon investigation, it turned out to be a yoga class. The concerned onlooker had good intentions, but the situation quickly proved to be a misunderstanding. Read...

The Power of Mindfulness at Work

Chances are, you’re no stranger to the term “mindfulness”. In the past few years, mindfulness has snowballed from a seed of change into a full-fledged and fortified pillar of wellness. Mindfulness is defined as, “a mental state achieved by focusing on one’s awareness...

The Cure For Conferenceitis

Even if you’ve never heard of Conferenceitis, chances are that you’ve experienced it. Conferenceitis is characterized by fatigue, irritability, blistered feet, and an acute dependence on hand sanitizer – all caused by one common denominator: conference attendance. You...

5 Ways to Have a Better Day

As a part of our YogAuditing initiative, Advize Health has brought on board two yoga instructors dedicated to the practice and its principles. Designed to enrich life and improve work performance, YogAuditing is a movement to inspire movement. Follow the journey with...

Can In-Basket Messaging Prevent Burnout?

We’ve spoken before about physician burnout and how to leverage technology to reduce its impact on providers and patients, and now a study by Health Affairs has been released that supports this push for innovation. The study was designed to find strategies on managing...

Breathe Deep: Aromatherapy for Health

Looking for a way to de-stress from the holidays and the pressure of your New Year’s resolutions? Aromatherapy may be the perfect, natural solution. Aromatherapy uses the essential oils taken from plants, which are then distilled, making a highly concentrated oil that...

Mindfulness at Work

This article, written by an Advize Health team member and Yoga enthusiast is the second installment in a series that will help you answer the question: What Is YogAuditing? If practicing mindfulness is proven to increase your productivity, your emotional intelligence...