It’s no wonder Advize celebrates Pi Day. Pi (pie) is magical. In one form it is a mathematical constant that is used in complex mathematical formulas (what would be the purpose of any Texas Instruments’ calculators without Pi?). As a food, it can be a main course...
Everything Old is New Again

Everything Old is New Again

With all the Advize bigwigs in Dallas this week at the NHCAA shindig, I am left alone to ponder my thoughts and wonder who I must have pleased not to have to schlep to Big D. As per usual, one of the things I pondered was whether there were any new, earth-shattering...

Sound Bites From HIMSS18

HIMSS 2018 returned to the bustling city of Las Vegas for the first time since 2016 determined to keep their promise of being “where the world connects for health”.  Drawing in guests from around the world, HIMSS is the premiere conference for those working in the...


Advize Health kicked off the month of April by diving headfirst into Conference Season, and attending the Eastern Claims Conference in Boston, MA. The Eastern Claims Conference, recently relocated from New York to Massachusetts was an impressive assembly of insurance...