The Cure For Conferenceitis

Even if you’ve never heard of Conferenceitis, chances are that you’ve experienced it. Conferenceitis is characterized by fatigue, irritability, blistered feet, and an acute dependence on hand sanitizer – all caused by one common denominator: conference attendance. You...

Program Integrity Perspectives

The LA Times recently featured a story on a New England labor union that kept medical bills in check. “Everyone says we can’t do anything about costs, or we just have to get patients to put more ‘skin in the game,’” said John Brouder, a longtime health benefits...

5 Ways to Have a Better Day

As a part of our YogAuditing initiative, Advize Health has brought on board two yoga instructors dedicated to the practice and its principles. Designed to enrich life and improve work performance, YogAuditing is a movement to inspire movement. Follow the journey with...

Advize Attends Doctors of Distinction Ceremony

Advize was proud to be among those attending an event to honor a lineup outstanding doctors in the state of New York. While we were honored to be in the presence of so many tremendous talents in the healthcare field, we’re featuring just a few who made a last...